Insurance and Asset Management Services include:
International Underwriting Solutions, Risk Assessment and Pricing, Performance Attribution and Analysis, IFRS17 Implementation, Historic Yield Curves and Superannuation Scheme Design
International Underwriting Solution
Solutions: Captives, Insurance Vehicles, Discretionary Mutuals, Reinsurance, Lloyds.
Risk Assessment and Pricing
Risk Assessment and Pricing. “What is the price of risk?” “The role of the insurer is to price risk!”
Performance Attribution and Measurement
Performance indicators against benchmarks. Value added returns and long term assessment.
IFRS17 Implementation
International Financial Reporting Standards are changing for insurers with a significant overhaul through the new standard for Insurance Contracts.
Superannuation Scheme Design
Scheme design and costing of long-term and sustainable retirement solutions.
Australian Yield Curve History
Lifetime yield curves derived using Australian Commonwealth Government debt securities.