Achieving Investment Returns of 32% p.a. and above

Achieving Investment Returns of 32% p.a. and above

Using risk optimisation techniques gained from over 25 years experience in aggregating insurance risks, connectingthedots is able to "cherry pick" the ASX and apply the same techniques to investment portfolios.

This gives an average return for Australian equities of 34.3% per annum since 2017 with 38.1% in the last year. This is achieved by applying our Investment Strategy and by systematically optimising the risk-return balance at a portfolio level over regular time periods.

Our cumulative performance is set out in more detail in the chart following:

This performance compares more than favourably to that for all MySuper funds with an average of 7.9% for 2023.

This methodology is reflected in our Corporate Investment Strategy.

Access to these returns is only available to shareholders and employees via our Corporate superannuation fund.

All our applications are built in R using shiny-server. Consultation services are available to wholesale and corporates via our contact form.

Regulated MySuper Funds Return an average 7.9% for 2023

Regulated MySuper Funds Return an average 7.9% for 2023

The Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) surveys all MySuper funds each year for performance monitoring via mandatory statistical returns. This forms part of an annual superannuation performance test as detailed at

Looking at the Fund Level data in the latest Annual Survey of MySuper funds - released in December 2023 - the average fund return was only 7.9% over the last year (after fees).

Full details of APRA's latest MySuper publication of Fund Level data and the list of surveyed Funds can be found at

SMSF Ownership of Crypto-currencies

SMSF Ownership of Crypto-currencies

SMSF’s and Crypto-currency

Self-Managed-Super-Funds are permitted to own crypto-currencies with the case for holding crypto-currencies within an SMSF as follows:

  • They are liquid assets with a deeply supported market of sufficient capitalisation
  • They offer diversification benefits with respect to all other asset classes such as bonds, cash, equities and property
  • They are not subject to sovereign default risk
  • They offer asset protection equivalent to gold and other precious metals
  • They are priced across multiple currencies and thus hedged internationally
  • They are arguably more suitable than many Personal Use assets (some of which are highly illiquid)

Crypto-currencies are not risk-free – nothing is, even cash. But they are highly amenable to “risk management” strategies and are a valid asset class when considered within an overall portfolio. However when it comes to investing in crypto-currencies outside the top 5 inclusive of bitcoin, it’s buyer beware.

Whether you are a believer in crypto-currency or not, it is not going away anytime soon.

Finally, if you were in any doubt about its legitimacy then consider the ATO’s SMSF Annual Tax return which has a separate line item for crypto-currency under Item 15C – Other investments in Section H as follows:


PS: connectingthedots accepts crypto-currency payments from superannuation funds and other clients.

NB: Crypto currencies (i.e. coins) are not a financial product and hence their recommendation or otherwise is not considered financial advice under Australian law at December 2024. Please note that by using this website, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. These can be found on our homepage in the footer.

ATO Superannuation News

ATO Superannuation News

The Australian Taxation Office issues regular updates on superannuation matters. These have been aggregated for 2023 and are listed here.

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Retirement Income Covenant – Sample

Retirement Income Covenant – Sample

Connectingthedots is pleased is offer a sample “Retirement Income Covenant” for use by SMSFs and superannuation trustees alike. We’re making setting retirement objectives seamless.

Click to view

A clean template of this document is also available by email here.

Please enter your email

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Retirement Income – Interactive Heatmap

Retirement Income – Interactive Heatmap

Connectingthedots is pleased to launch its superannuation heatmap for setting retirement income objectives. Simple and interactive, you can see how your superannuation balance compares.

Just by setting a few retirement income objectives - namely your target income, gender and retirement age - you can see if your superannuation balance is adequate to meet your retirement objectives.

Just move the cursor to match your age on the bottom axis and your assets on the left to see your result immediately.

Just click on the chart above to be redirected to this live, interactive chart. You can return to this page anytime.

Alternatively, click here to return to the main page.

The results presented in this tool are consistent with the principles of the Actuaries Institute’s Professional Standard No. 402 – “Accrued Benefits for Defined Benefit Superannuation Funds” and Australian Accounting Standard Board Standard 1056 – “Accounting Standard for Superannuation Entities”.

Life Tenant Factors – Australian Life Tables 2015-17

Life Tenant Factors – Australian Life Tables 2015-17

Life tenant factors for 2015-17 Australian Life Tables are available here using a discount rate of 5% per annum. It is noted that these factors have increased materially at advanced ages since the previous version.

Life Tenant Factors – Australia

The table above is available for online purchase at $99 +GST here.

For queries on the use and appropriateness of these factors for a stated purpose, please contact us directly.

Alternatively, you could use our online calculator here.

To return to the homepage, click here.

Retirement Income Targets for All Ages

Retirement Income Targets for All Ages

How much superannuation is enough? For individuals considering a lifetime pension, the correct value is a function of both age and gender. Our actuaries have recently calibrated a complete table of targets required to produce a retirement income of $65,000 p.a.

For example, a retirement income of $65,000 p.a. (indexed) for a 70 year old female is valued at:
$802,776 (on average)

A complete table of targets for all ages is reproduced below:

There are a range of alternate targets applicable depending on other factors such as guaranteed periods, reversionary elements or personal health circumstances. These can be sourced via our online calculator here.

Retirement Income Target - Calculator
Superannuation – Is Cash Accounting Fit for Purpose?

Superannuation – Is Cash Accounting Fit for Purpose?

Have you read your SMSF financial statements recently? The financial statements for most SMSFs are prepared on a cash basis with no consideration for the retirement obligations of the fund’s members. This is less than helpful when say:

  • you have less than $200,000 and are mid-career, or
  • you are a couple approaching retirement with a combined balance of $500,000 or
  • you are a young adult with no savings, or
  • you have entered retirement phase with assets of around $650,000

An alternative to cash accounting would be to assess the retirement obligations of the fund’s members. This would have each member set a retirement objective and then assess the corresponding fund liability.

  • This would set a benchmark for the fund’s assets.
  • There would be an incentive for members to engage when comparing their account balances to the fund’s liabilities.
  • It would be a useful measure for financial planners to provide advice to members and trustees.
  • Any changes to the retirement objectives of members could be explicitly measured and disclosed.
  • The fund’s investment returns could be benchmarked annually against the assumptions used to determine the value of accrued liabilities.

The concept of accrued benefits and liabilities is already well established internationally within both accounting and actuarial standards for superannuation and pension funds.

Furthermore by adding this value to the notes in the financial accounts, it would provide guidance to both trustees and members alike.

For an immediate assessment of your fund’s liability for its retirement obligations, please try our online calculator below:

Valuation of Accrued Benefits - Calculator

Alternatively, you can download our submission to Treasury’s, “Review of Retirement Incomes in 2020,” – here.